How to show elementor header on scrolling up only

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There are times when you may want your website’s header to appear only when users scroll up, keeping it hidden while scrolling down. This feature is particularly useful for creating a cleaner and more focused browsing experience.

To achieve this effect, you can use the code snippet below. Just make sure to assign a specific height and an ID (#hide-header) to your header container for it to work correctly.

var prevScrollpos = window.pageYOffset;
window.onscroll = function () {
    var currentScrollPos = window.pageYOffset;
    var adminBarHeight = document.getElementById("wpadminbar") ? document.getElementById("wpadminbar").offsetHeight : 0;

    if (prevScrollpos > currentScrollPos) {
        // Show the header and account for the admin bar if it exists
        document.getElementById("hide-header") = adminBarHeight + "px";
    } else {
        // Hide the header
        document.getElementById("hide-header") = "-80px"; // header height
    prevScrollpos = currentScrollPos;


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